Zero-Carb Foods for Your Keto Diet

Zero-Carb Foods for Your Keto Diet

The keto diet has become increasingly popular because of its proven weight loss results and multiple health benefits. This diet involves zero or very-low-carbs, and high-fat foods that can increase your energy and lower your blood sugar levels.

When starting keto, it may seem hard to create a balanced diet and find all the foods you’re allowed to eat. You may feel like you’re eating the same thing every single day, but a zero-carb diet doesn’t need to be monotonous.

If you need help with figuring out what to eat, this article can provide some useful guidelines.

What Foods Should You Avoid?

Being well-informed is crucial here. Knowing the allowed and forbidden foods while on the keto diet will help you create a diverse eating plan.

You’ll also learn that zero-carb means 1 gram or less of carbs, even if the label on the food packaging states no-carb. All foods contain at least a hint of carbohydrates. The only exception is oil.

If you want to be strict about your keto diet, you can avoid carbs altogether, especially those foods that contain high levels of it. This means avoiding bread, sweets, most fruits, any grain-based products, peas, potatoes, mayonnaise, ketchup, alcohol, juices, etc.

Tasty Low-Carb Foods You’ll Enjoy

On the other hand, there are some tasty vegetables, meats, and other foods you can enjoy without worrying about your diet.

  • You have a couple of healthy options when it comes to drinks. Plenty of water will benefit your body in numerous ways, and you can also drink plain tea and coffee without sugar or milk.
  • Olive, avocado, and coconut oils are the best cooking oils for your home-cooked meals.
  • Fresh meats are great sources of protein and a good base for any keto diet. Beef, chicken, turkey, veal, lamb – as long as it’s fresh, it’s a good choice. Seafood is also known for high levels of proteins and no carbs. If you’re a seafood fan, feel free to enjoy salmon, sardines, tuna, catfish, etc. Shellfish such as oysters and shrimp may contain some carbs, but they still fall into the low-carb category.
  • To add a bit of taste to your meals, you’ll probably want to use some spices. Many are totally safe for the keto diet, like salt, oregano, cinnamon, basil, black pepper, and rosemary.
  • When it comes to vegetables, most of them do contain carbs, but the quantity is negligible. The ones you should definitely include in your diet are Brussels sprouts, spinach, tomato, peppers, zucchini, broccoli, celery, cauliflower, asparagus, cabbage, etc.
  • Having an occasional snack between meals is totally fine, as long as the snack is also carb-free. Go with nuts and seeds to be absolutely sure. Here are some ideas: pecans, brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.
  • You don’t need to avoid animal products such as eggs, butter, or cheese. Goat cheese, mozzarella, or parmesan can complement your meal and make nearly any dish more delicious.

Take Care of Your Health

According to experts, the keto diet can not only help you lose weight loss but also improve brain function and reduce heart disease risks. Among the many benefits, there’s also the fact that you’ll learn how to eat healthy without reaching for ice cream or pizza whenever you’re hungry and in a pinch.

Low-carb foods can also be extremely delicious, and there are plenty of yummy and interesting recipes you can try out to stay healthy and enjoy your meals at the same time.